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CESA Enterprise Services

An integrated solution for quality teaching and learning as well as intelligent school management withCESA Enterprise Services

Helping students and schools in Catholic Schools throughout South Australia work smarter, more efficiently and with better results.

CEFYOSLA (Catholic Education First Years of School Literacy Assessment)

The CEFYOSLA allows R-2 classroom teachers as well as school based literacy coordinators and principals to capture assessment data and view student progress on a specific schedule of assessment tasks. Classroom teachers have the ability to enter their own student data and view performance at a class and individual level. School literacy coordinators and principals have the ability to view individual, class and school performance within their region and sector. CESA administrators of this tool have the ability to report on a sector-wide basis.

CESA FileShare

This service allows users to share information with CESA.

CESA Reporting Services

Application and BI Reports service

CESA Service Desk

The Catholic Education South Australia Service Desk is the central support point for CESA staff to request assistance, report problems and interact with the relevant support staff at the Catholic Education Office.

CESIS (Catholic Education Student Information System)

The Catholic Education Student Information System (ceSIS) is a student administration system designed to manage student, class and family information in our primary and secondary schools. The system supports the functions of enrolment, attendance, permissions and medical information. ceSIS provides a substantial body of student data that may be integrated with other applications such as Civica Finance, NCCD SWD and others to improve reliability and to reduce the overall effort of maintaining this critical information.

Data Collection Hub

This service allows users to share information with CESA.

Data Collection Support Portal

Data collection owners use this portal to manage data collections

NCCD SWD (Nationally Consistent Collection of Data - Students with Disability)

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD SWD) is a joint initiative of all Australian governments and all state and territory government and non-government education authorities. National data is collected annually to identify the number of school students with disability and the level of reasonable educational adjustment provided for them. The NCCD SWD application assists schools to collect the required information on students with disability, enables the declaration process for Principals and supports the sector submission of data.